Monday, June 13, 2016

9 days

days to GO!

After 1 1/2 years of waiting, we are only 9 days away from going to China and will meet our son on June 26th in Shanghai. 

We are trying our best to prepare our hearts and minds for this incredible journey, but there are so many unknowns.
 We are traveling across the world to meet our son for the first time on June 26th.  He doesn't know us, doesn't know our sounds, our smells, our behaviors.  He doesn't know how much we all love him and have been waiting for this day to come. 

We may try and have a plan for how it will go, but the reality is that we will look to little Gus for what his needs are and adapt as we need to for him. 

When we first meet him, we will taking him away from ALL he's ever known.  The sounds, smells, environment, and people around him will change in an instant.  Nothing will be familiar.  He's not been in a car, or car seat, or airplane, or restaurant, hotel, parks, etc.    The food he will eat will all be different, his routine will be no longer as it was, the way we speak is completely different.

We cannot plan for how he will react when he first see's us.  Of course, I have dreamt of such a day when I long to finally hold him in my arms, he will not understand why these "strangers" are taking him away from the "nannies" he's known for almost 2 years.

Please PRAY for us:

Prayer teams for TRAVEL
Prayer teams for HEALTH
Prayer teams for TRANSITIONS & attachment.
Prayer teams for our kids:  Ben & Maddie, as they adapt themselves to having a new brother, who may have quite a few "hard times" adjusting into our family

In the meantime, I'm packing & packing.
I feel like I triple check every suitcase over and over again which can play tricks on one's mind for sure and at times I feel like I've lost my mind.  

We continue to have our gofundme campaign, as we recently found out that our in country costs have increased in cost, so we are praying over our finances to come through to cover the extra expenses. 

MORE SHIRTS for sale:  message me your size.  Just $22.  We are leaving on the 22nd.  (: 

If you would be interested in donating or if you want to purchase an adoption shirt, you can pay on our gofundme page

Thank you for following along  

les, sara, ben & maddie & gus