Friday, March 25, 2016

Our phone rang!

A week ago today, our phone rang!
It was our adoption agency and they said they had matched us with a little boy!
With a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a cautious excitement, we opened the file, read all the medical documents and then.......saw his face for the first time.

He's precious!  He's 19 months old with such smart, kind eyes.  We've talked with our kids, met with doctor, prayed and we have decided to send our LOI (letter of intent) to adopt him as our son!

We have more paperwork to do and still cannot announce any details/pictures/etc online,  until we are given permission to do so.    We need to wait for our official LOA (letter of acceptance), which could take a few weeks or so.

We can tell you, that he's very adorable and he's captured the hearts of our family.  We look forward to the day when we can announce him to the our entire friends and family.

We started our journey back in February 2015.  We hope to travel June 2016.  A long, awaited journey to bring home our precious, sweet baby boy.  

Stay tuned and thanks for following and your continued prayers and support.