Monday, September 28, 2015

What is DTC?

What does DTC mean?  It stands for Dossier To China.  The dossier was all the required paperwork to adopt.  It takes 3-4 months to  prepare.  Once done, it is send to Michigan to our global headquarters where it is reviewed by the China team for any potential errors, etc.  Once it is approved by them, it is sent to Washington, DC to be authenticated.  Then it is sent back to global headquarters to wait to be sent to China.  We had a hold up for about 3 weeks, because we didn't have the funds available to sent it.  God provided and we raised most of the money through donations and fundraisers.

It was sent off last Thursday and is due to arrive tomorrow.  Once it is at the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption (the Central Authority for the People's Republic of China):  CCCWA, it is translated and reviewed.  This usually takes a week or two.  Once that occurs, we will be officially LOGGED IN and waiting for our referral.  This is so exciting to think about.  We could perhaps see our little boy before Christmas.  (:

Please join us in praying throughout.  As exciting of a time this is, it's also a time to really be patient and trust in the process.  Pray for our China team who will be matching us with our child.  They only have SECONDS to match families with children.  It's hard to believe that it happens that way, but with all the other "waiting families" from around the world, it's how this process works.

Thank you for following along and stay tuned.