Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My wondering heart

It's been a little while since I've blogged, so I thought I'd share a few thoughts.

We are waiting to be matched with our son.  It could seriously happen any day. It seems surreal at this point, because we continue to just go about our every day as it has always been and yet, we know that at any given moment....our lives will forever be changed and this is a long awaited, anticipated day.

The wonder of who our child is, and the beauty of how we love someone we haven't yet met is amazing. I think about God's love.  It's unconditional and boundless and it sets in motion the example of how we love because HE FIRST loved us.  Adoption allows a special kind of love to abound that surpasses some forms of understanding. 

My heart is full of wonder for the littlest of details and the big picture.  Who is going to be our little boy, what does he look like, where is he living, is he cold, does he have a special toy, does he cry a lot, is he hungry, does he like to be held, what comforts him.......

My wondering heart 
longs to see his face.  

Prayer requests:
-health of our little boy
-the caretakers at the orphanage
-our family (preparing the details to be able to bring him home)
-continued fundraising efforts
-God's leading for the team that will match us to our little boy.  

Thank you for following along.  Means so much.

Les & Sara
Ben and Maddie