For you, our little one: we pray.
We believe that God has brought you into our hearts because He knows of our desire to welcome you into our family and love you, beyond borders.
Although we have not yet met you face to face, we pray that God connects our hearts to each other each day that we await the moment we hold you forever.
I find myself dreaming of the day we first see who you are. It's hard to wait. Are you a little baby, a toddler, or bigger? Do you have lots of crazy hair or no hair yet? Do you like to be held? (your big sister cannot wait to hold you).
Do you like music and lego's (your big brother can't wait to play with you).
There are so many anticipations for your arrival, so we keep praying.
Family & Friends
Please join us in praying for our little one.
We don't know what his needs are, but pray we are prepared to provide the best care for him. Pray that God prepares us all for our first meeting. Pray for the orphanage where he is, and for the caretakers. I can't imagine the care involved in so many orphans. Pray for forever families to adopt them quickly.
We are waiting to send our dossier off to China. Praying for provisions to come through.
-Sara and family
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