Monday, April 13, 2015

Coffee house chat

Sometimes, the best conversations happen spontaneously at a coffee shop.  I've been really struggling with this whole fundraising thing.  I'm even embarrassed to be writing this, but I'm being honest.

   Last week, I was sitting alone having my daily brew.  A guy (from my church) approached me and asked about our adoption journey.  I answered briefly and then figured he needed to get going as he is a busy person.  He stayed around and wanted to talk and listen and encourage.  For what I assumed to be a quick walk by hello, turned into a 20 minute genuine conversation with someone who was there at that time, saying just what I needed to hear.   I felt like God has placed him there at that exact moment, because He knew I needed someone there.

I was able to express my struggles in regards to asking for support throughout our adoption journey, and his words gave me a new hope and a new perspective.   I'm thankful for that person, that day, at that exact moment when I needed someone.

......stayed tuned.