Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Today was the day that about 35 files were being released to adoption agencies with hundreds of waiting families, including us.
We are waiting for OUR phone call, hoping that perhaps today could be the day.
I stare at my phone, longing to see our global headquarters phone number light up.....it's not today.

We know that at any given time our phone call will come.  I am trying not to worry, but it's in my nature for sure.  (those who know me, agree ).  LOL

I admit, I wanted to get our phone call today.

So, I came across this Bible promise and I knew it was meant for me today.

I'm so thankful that I have a relationship with my heavenly Father who truly loves me, cares for me, and has plans for our future in His ways and His timing and for His purpose and glory.

Now....I just need my brain to adjust and my heart to rest in that promise.