Friday, March 25, 2016

Our phone rang!

A week ago today, our phone rang!
It was our adoption agency and they said they had matched us with a little boy!
With a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a cautious excitement, we opened the file, read all the medical documents and then.......saw his face for the first time.

He's precious!  He's 19 months old with such smart, kind eyes.  We've talked with our kids, met with doctor, prayed and we have decided to send our LOI (letter of intent) to adopt him as our son!

We have more paperwork to do and still cannot announce any details/pictures/etc online,  until we are given permission to do so.    We need to wait for our official LOA (letter of acceptance), which could take a few weeks or so.

We can tell you, that he's very adorable and he's captured the hearts of our family.  We look forward to the day when we can announce him to the our entire friends and family.

We started our journey back in February 2015.  We hope to travel June 2016.  A long, awaited journey to bring home our precious, sweet baby boy.  

Stay tuned and thanks for following and your continued prayers and support.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Be still my heart

The wait is getting harder day by day.

Saturday, March 12, 2016 marked 5 full months of  just waiting since our paperwork was logged in with China.  Our journey started over a year ago. 

Our children ask us daily if we got the call today.  Many people who know of our journey continue to ask when we will see our new son.  For many months, I've been just so full of anticipation for our "match" call that I've just said with a smile "any day now".  

I feel like the "any day now", has turned into a "I just don't know".   I recite over and over in my head many things to try and revive my patience and faithfulness in this great pursuit to bring home little Gus and sometimes I just sit and cry about it.

I really want to keep my eyes on Jesus during each moment of our journey.   I don't want to get caught up in the frustration of this wait, and yet at times, I do.   A friend recently encouraged me to recite a bible verse or phrase or word of encouragement to have stronghold on my thoughts when I struggle.   I appreciated that so much because often I let my mind and heart wander to the point of causing doubt, anxiety, frustration.  

I cast my cares upon you, Jesus.  You are faithful.  You love us.  You lead me beside still waters and YOU restore my soul.  May those words be continually written deep in my heart during this long , long wait to bring home our son.

We continue to wait for you little one.  We love you so much.

Mommy & Daddy
Big Brother and Big Sister

Thursday, March 3, 2016


It's one of those days, and honestly, I feel bad even saying that.  The wait seems too long at times.  I feel discouraged and impatient.  Why such a long wait?  Is our openness limiting us?  Is our agency just not receiving files of little boys that we are seeking?  I see so many other families being matched daily, so perhaps that is adding to my impatient heart and mind.    My kids ask me daily if we got our referral and I can sense their frustration, but I try to keep positive and remind them of God's perfect timing.

  Other times, I'm OK with the wait because I know God is faithful to complete what He's begun in HIS time .  

So, please continue to pray over my impatient heart.  Sometimes, my head messes with my heart to the point I start to doubt.  I don't want that to enter in, so I keep praying.  The struggles of this wait are real and often distracting me from the peace I long for.

I'm thankful for friends and family who are our prayer warriors during this entire journey.  

Prayer requests:
For God's peace daily.
For our little Gus (that God prepares him to meet us, for his health)
For the China team (for God to lead their hearts as they match us with our little one)
